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Oct 28, 2020

Security questions were created to protect your online accounts from unauthorized access. But, how you answer them determines their effectiveness. Learn this one simple trick for creating STRONG security question answers to protect your accounts.

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Oct 14, 2020

Did you receive a letter from the SBA regarding your PPP or EIDL loan? If could be a victim of identity fraud.

In this episode:

  1. What is PPP & EIDL
  2. How bad guys exploited them
  3. Both personal and business victimized
  4. What to do if you are a victim

Oct 7, 2020

PayPal is a convenient way to send and receive money. It also helps you protect your financial information from sellers. But, if you are not careful, you could end up giving bad guys access to your account. Stay tuned to learn about a new PayPal phishing email scam.

Show notes available at